Monday, January 26, 2009

Lap Band stuff

Well, I had my first adjustment to my Lap Band on Monday, Jan. 19 and I am not so sure about it. First off, I felt restricted borderline nauseated. But now, I dont really see any differences in the amount or the type of food that I can eat. I do still LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, my band, dont get me wrong. I am definately eating less than I ever would have before the band.....but I thought I would feel restriction more by now. But, I have heard that it can take a couple of adjustments to hit that "sweet spot", so I guess I should just be patient and let things happen!! I have lost 49#'s so far, and I am really proud of that!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

The Beginning...

Just wanted to post some history of our family to start things off. Eric and I met at Kmart where I was working while going to Owens for Radiography. I worked with his mom and she "sort of" set us up. She bragged everyday about him and what a nice couple we would make. After I saw him, I knew that we would be married someday. We went on our first date to a movie (Titanic) and then to Frisch's for dinner that was in February of 1999 and we got married on March 18, 2000. We have had our ups and downs but through it all, we stayed committed to each other and grew stronger in our relationship.

Just before my daughter was born, we started attending church at Emmanuel Freewill Baptist Church in Luckey, OH. Eric and I were both saved and baptized in January 2002. And not a minute too soon. I thank God everyday for bringing us together to learn, love and grow in the Lord. Eric has such an amazing understanding for the Bible and he teaches me the things that I do not understand. God has been there for us, strengthing us, giving us that awesome peace that only a believer has, and incredible joy, for those things, I am truly grateful. I feel very proud to have raised my children in a Christian home and to be able to teach them Christian values. We have a family full of strong Christians that I can turn to and lean on in times of weakness; just another one of those awesome things that God does for us.

I delivered our daughter on November 15, 2001 at Bay Park Hospital (she was the second baby born there...missed it by an hour....). She has brought both joy and craziness to our family. Since day one, she has looked like me and over the years, she has developed Eric's personality. She is one smart cookie, too. I am so proud of her and the little lady that she has become. Adam Jacob was born on March 15, 2004 also at Bay Park Hospital. At first, I wasnt really sure what I was going to do with a boy. I never really had much experience with boys. Turns out, he is the coolest little guy I know. He is kind, considerate, helpful and total boy. I am so proud to be a mom and to have the opportunity to raise children and help them grow. It is truly the hardest job that you could ever have, but it is also the most rewarding!!